Rebecka Vigus
2 min readNov 27, 2020



Always a holiday when family gathers. Even in this year of Covid. This year was bittersweet. We lost our mother on November 19th. This year the family pitched in to make Thanksgiving dinner and we had our last meal in our childhood home. The last time we were all together for Thanksgiving in this house was when my youngest niece was 21 months old. She is just shy of being 21.

Someone found photos of my sister’s wedding, 36 years ago. Her girls had a blast with them. It was amazing to see my brother and brother-in-law with long curly hair.

Jimmy was the star of the day. We found an old lawn mower which belonged to my daughter as a toddler. He had a heyday with it. He also has a Leap Pad and it tickles him when he makes his numbers right.

Dinner was delicious with some old favorites and some new dishes. We had some southwest flavor as Nancy and her daughter live in the southwest. We had some dishes from pintrest and some made by people who had never made them before.

All-in-all it was a good time. We laughed about Mom always burning the potoatoes. It was a tradition. And didn’t matter what meal she was putting potatoes with, she had to cut off the burned part.

As we disperse in all directions, we know who gets what pretty much, and It just needs to be packed and shipped so the house can be thoroughly cleaned and put up for sale. Yes, the two barns have to be emptied, too.

All in good time. I will go up to say good-bye to my youngest sister and niece and pack some things that will fit in my car. I will be on my way home soon, too. The more I can fit in my car, the less that needs to be shipped.

Gather your loved ones, hold them close, and tell them you love them. Life is too short not to.

Happy writing




Rebecka Vigus

I am an author, and coach who helps writers enhance their skills to create influence, impact and income.