Rebecka Vigus
2 min readJan 21, 2021


It’s a new year


2021 is still hanging onto some of the past. We still have Covid-19, although there are two vaccines out there now. We are still wearing masks and social distancing. The prejudice I saw in 2020 is still dividing our country.

My hope for 2021 is we will see change. A change in the way people treat each other. We are not the judges unless we have walked in other peoples shoes, we don’t know their circumstances. You remember the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” That can easily be applied to people. Don’t judge them for their looks. It’s like my Mom told me, “Pick your friends for who they are, not what they have.”

So, my new idea is to smile at everyone I meet. Hopefully they will be able to see I am smiling even with my mask on. I’m also going to try my best to be kinder. Kindness goes a long way. I am finding ways to give back to my community.

As to the new game plan, I already have one book for 2021 at the designers. I’m excited about it. It is the 4th in a series. I have another ready to go and am putting the final touches on a third. There are four others in progress. I am shooting to get three done and out this year.

I am organizing my house, so I can organize my life better. I am making changes to every room in my house. I’m starting with my dining room which has been a catchall for boxes and totes. As well as anything else with no home. Things are finding homes or leaving my home. I have three boxes of books ready to donate.

I started selling Paparazzi Jewelry in December. I go live two nights a week and I love it. Maybe someday I can work it into a novel. That’s my side hustle. It’s fun. It keeps me busy. I look forward to each live.

Notice I don’t have a list of New Year’s Resolutions. I wouldn’t get through the first week of those. I am making changes to make my life better. If in doing so, I can make the lives of others better, I count it as a win.

Happy writing,




Rebecka Vigus

I am an author, and coach who helps writers enhance their skills to create influence, impact and income.